Most people always face challenges tensions after working several hours a day. According to the research shows that too much stress can cause memory impairment and make them soon distracted (can not make things work well) and therefore most people forget this often forgotten and can not do the job something good. However, there are some simple ways to strengthen the focus or memory to better despite the challenges work stress or tension. Below are 3 ways in which we can try and it does not cost much:
1) Spending time with nature enhance memory
US University of Michigan research divided into two groups of people who want to remember similar. The first group going through a natural area and across the street. According to this study showed that a group of people who traveled through the natural areas that have increased memory up to 20 percent. The No. 2, which passed through the normal route, there is nothing better.
2) to live in a natural environment can improve brain power
Have you ever felt like your brain, poor or not? Our brain to be able to maintain the energy to think and build it better than before, scientists advised choose to live in a natural environment, such as natural beauty habits from the windows. The study shows that the natural beauty is crucial to maintain the freshness of the people and it really helps strengthen the power of thinking for the better.
3) outer trekking habits can strengthen a person's concentration
According to research, people who work with complicated and may take some trekking outside is better than that complicated with a job, and the rest at home. The entertainment sometimes to walk outside will help the tension of the better and be able to keep concentrate on the job after facing complicated.
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